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* 1. Names and ages of children participating. Please indicate either their grade for the 17-18 school year or age and birth date if they are preschool.

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* 2. Please indicate the kind of role each child would like:  No lines; some lines; a lot of lines. If you have a preschooler, indicate that. If you have a 7th-12th grader for the crew, indicate any job requests they have.

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* 3. Does your child have any allergies or other health concerns?

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* 4. Contact name and number in case of emergency.

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* 5. Please indicate here that you give permission for the children listed above to have their image recorded in still or moving photos to be used at a Saturday night service along with on social media and for other promotional purposes.

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* 6. Are you able to be an adult helper during this week?

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* 7. Adults will be able to help transport kids if they do not have a ride to and from the church. Please indicate if your child will need rides, or if you are able to help give rides.

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* 8. Do you have any comments or questions?