The purpose of the Young Professional Conference Scholarship is to promote the professional enrichment of Ohio Community Action Young Professionals via attendance at the Association’s statewide conference(s). To apply for a scholarship, applicants must be:

  • Employed by a member in good standing of Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies
  • Be 32 years of age or younger
  • Have been employed for a minimum of nine months

Each agency is allowed three applicants as determined by the agency’s Executive Director.

A maximum of five scholarships will be awarded. Awardees will receive complimentary registration and lodging (up to two nights). The cost of travel to/from the conference—including transportation and per diem—will not be covered by this scholarship and must be paid by the awardees’ Community Action Agency.

Applications for the first Young Professional Conference Scholarships must be completed by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. Winners will be announced by Wednesday, January 17, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your first and last name:

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your title:

Question Title

* 4. By selecting the below choice, you are confirming that you are 32 years of age or younger:

Scored narrative:

Please explain how you will use this conference opportunity to do the following:

  • Enhance your knowledge of Community Action
  • Build professional skills
  • Strengthen your professional role to help your agency meet new and increasing needs

Please limit your total response of all three questions to 500 words

Question Title

* 5. Please explain how you will use this conference opportunity to enhance your knowledge of Community Action.

Question Title

* 6. Please explain how you will use this conference opportunity to build professional skills.

Question Title

* 7. Please explain how you will use this conference opportunity to strengthen your professional role to help your agency meet new and increasing needs.

Question Title

* 8. Please upload a signed Conference Scholarship Application Approval. This approval form must be signed by your Supervisor and the agency's Executive Director indicating knowledge and support of the entry. If the applicant’s supervisor is the Executive Director, the Executive Director will mark the related box on the form and complete the Application Approval Form.

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