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COVID-19 has forced airlines to reduce roughly 50% of domestic flights.  Recovering air service to all markets will be the main priority over the next 2 years. More flexible business travel policies will be the main driver for air service recovery and future expansion. The airlines need to know the intentions of our business travel segment. Please complete this survey.

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* 2. How many flights would you estimate your company took in 2019?

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* 3. Does your company currently have a policy in place restricting travel?

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* 4. When will your company resume business travel?

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* 5. What percent of last year's travel volume do you intend to resume in 2021?

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* 6. What is keeping your company from resuming business travel?

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* 7. What would need to happen for your company to resume travel?

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* 8. Please provide your contact information.

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