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* 1. In what ZIP code do you reside? (enter 5-digit ZIP code)

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* 2. In the past 2 years, what aspects of Talbot County Parks & Recreation have you or your immediate family utilized? (Select all that apply)

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* 3. How do you usually hear about Talbot County Parks & Recreation Programs? (Select all that apply)

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* 4. If you or an immediate family member participated in a Talbot County Recreation program, how satisfied were you with the quality of the program? (ex. Skate with Santa, Field Hockey League, Skating Lessons, etc.)

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* 5. How satisfied are you with the variety of programs offered by Talbot County Parks & Recreation? 

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* 6. Please provide suggestions for new recreation programs you would like to see offered: 

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* 7. Have you or your family ever received financial assistance to participate in one of the Talbot County Recreation Programs? 

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* 8. How do you typically register to participate in a program? 

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* 9. If you or your immediate family uses a Talbot County Public Landing, how would you rate the condition?

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* 10. Please provide suggestions to improve the county landings:

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* 11. How often do you visit our county parks or multipurpose fields (ex. Perry Cabin Park, Home Run Baker, Cordova Community Park, etc.)

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* 12. What Talbot County Park(s) do you use the most often? (Select all that apply)

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* 13. Please indicate the recreational activities you and your family uses the county parks for (Select all that apply):

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* 14. If you or your immediate family uses any Talbot County Park, how would you rate the condition?

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* 15. Please provide suggestions to improve or additional amenities you would like to see to the Talbot County Parks:

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* 16. Any other comments, suggestions, concerns, or ideas for ways Talbot County Parks & Recreation can assist in improving Talbot County?