1. Welcome!

6% of survey complete.
Thank you for attending SF Open Studios this year!

ArtSpan endeavors to improve SF Open Studios each year so go ahead and tell us how we can enhance your studio-visiting experience. Tell us what worked and how we can make it even better next year!

We truly appreciate your time and energy in sharing your feedback. By completing this survey you will be entered to win 2 VIP tickets to ArtSpan's Art Auction on Saturday, March 25, 2017!

You are welcome to contact ArtSpan directly at info@artspan.org or 415-861-9838 with any additional questions or concerns.

Thank you!
The ArtSpan Team (Joen, Allison, Dianne, Gabriel, Jen, & Audrey)

* Please note that this survey is for people who visited SF Open Studios events; ArtSpan will send a separate survey to participating artists for their feedback.