The Alcohol and Other Drug Consumer & Community Coalition or 'AOD triple C' was incorporated in July 2018. Nominations from members to fill committee positions are now being accepted and elections for all positions will be held at our first AGM on Thursday, 1st November, 2018. 'The committee members are the persons who, as the management committee of the Association, have the power to manage the affairs of the Association'.

Committee members have duties and responsibilities under the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 in relation to their role. Essentially, these duties require a committee member to act in good faith, not for personal gain and in the interests of the association. Because of these duties, members nominating for a committee position are required to be 18 or over, have full membership status and, under Section 39 of the Act, be 'able to be members of a committee'. This relates to not being under insolvency and not having recent charges involving fraud, dishonesty or misconduct as a committee member of an association.

Full details in relation to this and the duties and responsibilities of committee members can be found under Publications, Model Rules (Associations) 2016, sections 27 to 34 on the WA Government Department of Mines, Industry, Regulation and Safety website: If you are unsure if you qualify you can search yourself on the following registers: ASIC Disqualified Persons Register and the ACNC Register of Disqualified Persons.

Nominations are required by close of business Wednesday, 3rd October 2018. Names of all nominees will be circulated to members 21 days before the AGM. During the election process nominees may be required to address the AGM regarding their nomination. If you have any questions about the process or need a member to support your nomination, please contact us (the interim committee members) via email to

Date: 1st November 2018
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Venue: Dome Café Maylands, 219-221 Railway Parade

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* 1. What is your full name?

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* 2. Are you 18 years of age or above?

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* 3. Are you a full (not associate) member of the AODCCC?

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* 4. Do you agree to act in good faith, not for personal gain and in the interests of the association and its purpose?

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* 5. Are you 'able to be a member of committees' as outlined in Section 39 of the Associations Incorporation Act 2015?

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* 6. What position/s are you nominating for?

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* 7. Briefly outline your interest in the AODCCC and what you could bring to the association:

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* 8. Briefly outline your skills or experience in relation to the position/s you are nominating for:

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* 9. List the name and email contact of another AODCCC member that supports your nomination: