Thank you for helping to shape our community.

Have your say on the 2025 official budget. Please only have one person per household should fill out the survey.

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* 1. Do you live in South Frontenac? Select the best answer.

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* 2. What is your postal code?

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* 3. How many people live within your household?

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* 5. If there are more than five people living in your household, please list the ages of the remaining household members below.

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* 6. Do you operate a business in South Frontenac?

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* 7. Do you commute outside of South Frontenac for work?

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* 8. Municipal property taxes pay for the majority of services and programs provided by the Township. Council tries to strike a reasonable balance between service levels and the amount levied from property taxes. With this in mind, which of the following approaches to budgeting and taxes do you prefer?

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* 9. How would you define a “reasonable” increase to property taxes for 2025?

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* 10. In terms of the Township's day-to-day operations, please tell us which services and activities you think are most important when deciding how to allocate budget funds.

  Very Important Important Neutral Low Importance Not Important at All
Garbage and recycling
Road maintenance
Winter road and sidewalk maintenance
Development services (building and planning)
Fire services (emergency response, fire prevention and education)
Municipal bylaw enforcement (noise and dog complaints, parking)
Active transportation networks (paved shoulders, sidewalks, etc.)
Recreation services (swim lessons, daycamps)
Events and festivals
Parks and outdoor amenities (playgrounds, courts, etc.)

Question Title

* 11. In terms of capital projects or other projects, tell us which projects you think are most important when deciding how to allocate budget funds.

  Very Important Important Neutral Low Importance Not Important at All
Rural transit
Emergency preparedness
Roads capital projects
Waste diversion projects
Climate change
Economic development
Affordable housing
Parks and facilities projects
Shoreline protection

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* 12. Tell us your number one priority and what do you think the Township should be doing about it

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* 13. Where do you go to receive Township information? Select all that apply

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* 14. General comments