Scholarship Details

Scholarship details. Every attempt will be made to ensure that everyone who wants to can afford to come to the summit. Thanks to Southern SARE and our sponsors, we have a pool for funds to support scholarships for farmers and other seed advocates in need of financial support. Below, you can request consideration for a scholarship to cover the full cost of registration, a discounted registration, support for housing, support for travel or a combination.

Regardless of if you receive a scholarship or not, by applying for a scholarship, you are eligible for a discounted registration. The discounted price is $275 and includes the pre-conference intensive on Friday, November 1st and all regular conference activities beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, November 1st and ending at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, November 3rd, including all meals provided at the conference (Friday lunch and dinner; Saturday breakfast, lunch and reception dinner; and Sunday breakfast). Registration also receive a complimentary membership to the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association. 

When is the application deadline? The application period will close at midnight Pacific Time on September 14th, 2019. Apply before this time to be eligible for scholarships and retain eligibility for  the discounted registration price. After that date, registration costs will increase to the full price for the Sustainable Agriculture Conference. 

When will scholarship awards be announced? All applicants will receive award information the week of September 16th,  2019. If you were not selected for a scholarship, you will be offered an opportunity to register for the discounted price of $275 as described above.
What makes a successful application? Scholarship funds are limited and we receive far more applications than we can fund. Please be thoughtful and concise about the few questions included in the application. 
Click on the "Next" button below to complete your application.