Your feedback will help us assure the quality and usefulness of our workshops.


Question Title

* 1. Date of Course


Question Title

* 2. Instructor's Name

Question Title

* 3. Select your level of agreement with the following statements:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The classroom set-up allowed me to see the presentation and complete the exercises
Access to/interaction with the instructor was sufficient

Question Title

* 4. Rate your level of satisfaction with the following workshop elements:

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Effectiveness of the instructor
Relevance and helpfulness of the manual
Amount of new information you learned
The workshop overall

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* 5. List any topics not discussed that you would have liked covered during the workshop.

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* 6. Describe any suggestions you have on how we could improve this workshop.

Question Title

* 7. How did you learn about this workshop?

Question Title

* 8. Rate the importance of the following Tableau training qualities:

  Very Important Important Neutral Slightly Important Not at all Important
Multi-day comprehensive classes
Short classes (i.e. half day)
In-person location
Online/remote location
Self-directed training that can be completed on my own time
Live instructor with whom I can ask questions in real time
Not during business hours

Question Title

* 9. What topics or factors would interest you to take additional Tableau training?

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* 10. Describe other ways we can help your organization with Tableau.