Establishing and Growing a Vibrant and Sustainable Hub in Your Community

Join SECAD Partnership, the Community Enterprise Association Ireland (CEAI) and The Discovery Partnership on one of our evening webinars to learn about the practical steps you can take to establish a vibrant and sustainable co-working/remote working/community enterprise hub in your community. 

Webinars will aim to give participants an overview of the factors that need to be taken into consideration when establishing a new hub, and ways to overcome the common challenges and pitfalls that communities might face. They are open to anyone, including community organisations, businesses, networks and individuals, that would like to learn more about setting up a hub in their community.
Following on from the webinars, a number of strategic, geographically based 'community teams' will be selected to participate in a targeted training programme which aims to support participating communities to build local networks, undertake initial market research and develop practical action plans for the establishment of hubs in their localities.  If you would be interested in participating on a community team for your locality, please indicate below.

Please note that each webinar will be repeated, so it is only necessary to attend on one evening.
About SECAD Partnership
SECAD Partnership is a Local Development Company located in Midleton, Co. Cork. SECAD delivers a range of social, community, economic and environmental supports through programmes such as LEADER Rural Development Programme, SICAP Social Inclusion Programme, Tus, PEIL and Community Benefit Funds. Further information can be found on our website

About our Webinar Experts
The webinars will be delivered by CEAI and The Discovery Partnership, who are leaders in the delivery of supports to community hubs across Ireland.

The Community Enterprise Association Ireland ( is the National Representative Association for Community Enterprise Centres and Enterprise Hubs across the National Hub Network. The Association represents the interests of the 250+ Enterprise Ireland funded community enterprise centres and enterprise projects - to government, to funding agencies and to the wider stakeholder community.  The organisation also provides representation, supports, training and mentoring, learning, independent advice, and guidance, thought leadership and best in class insights on an individual basis to centre and hub boards, management and key personnel.  

The Discovery Partnership ( is a consultancy company which was formed in 2001 with a mission to facilitate SME business owners and entrepreneurs to excel in their field and to maximise their potential for growth and sustainability. They provide high impact facilitation, feasibility assessment, research and development consultancy, strategic planning, Leadership & LEAN/Digital LEAN, innovation consultancy, cluster development and network development, socio-economic research and sectoral economic modelling, training, 1-1 mentoring and coaching services to support clients to both start and grow enterprise, across social enterprise and private/commercial sectors.

If you have any queries in relation to your registration, please contact for assistance.

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* 1. Which webinar do you wish to attend?

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* 2. Contact Details

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* 3. Where is your closest town or village?

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* 4. What do you feel is the greatest challenge to establishing or growing a community hub?

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* 5. Would you be interested in participating in our follow-up 'community team' training to develop a practical action plan to establish or grow a hub for your town or village?

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* 6.
This programme is funded under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2022. As part of funding programme requirements, SECAD Partnership is required to retain your contact details and these may be shared with our funders on request. Your data will also be shared with our training delivery partners in order to ensure the smooth and efficient delivery of this programme. In line with GDPR requirements, do you consent to us retaining your data for these purposes?

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* 7. SECAD Partnership may also contact you in relation to any follow on training, supports or initiatives which are relevant to the topic of this webinar. Do you provide consent for us to contact you for this reason?

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