Continuing Education Needs Survey

The University of Houston Clear Lake (UHCL) is planning to offer continuing education courses to support the professional development of our graduates and health and safety professionals in the Houston region.  The courses will be designed to prepare individuals for professional certification (e.g., CIH or CSP), as well as provide continuing education credits for those already certified.  We wish to serve the profession the best we can and help our graduates and other professionals advance their careers, make Houston workplaces safer and more productive and help support our local economy. 

Your answers are anonymous. 

The estimated time to completion is about 6 minutes (10 questions).

You will be able to see the combined results of all respondents upon completion.

Thank you for your time and input.

Question Title

* 1. Would you be interested in taking continuing education classes for any of the following reasons? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. Which certifications do you currently hold? (check all that apply or "None of these")

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* 3. Which certifications do you desire to attain? (check all that apply or "None of these")

Question Title

* 4. What classes would you be interested in taking or would you recommend employees under you take? Note: We matched the topics with certification blueprints for the ASP, CHMM, CHSM, CIH, CSP and OHST.

  Unsure Not at all Possible Very likely Definitely
Air sampling and instrumentation (CIH/CSP/OHST)
Analytical chemistry and basic science (ASP/CHSM/CIH/CSP/OHST)
Biological hazards and controls (ASP/CHMM/CIH/CSP/OHST)
Biostatistics and epidemiology (ASP/CHSM/CIH/CSP)
Confined spaces permitting and monitoring (ASP/CIH/CSP/OHST)
Direct-reading instruments for gases and vapors (CIH)
Exposure modeling and control banding (CIH)
Fall protection (ASP/CSP/OHST)
Health and safety program management (ASP/CHMM/CHSM/CIH/CSP/OHST)
Heat and cold stress and illness prevention (ASP/CIH/CSP/OHST)
Indoor air quality (ASP/CHSM/CIH/CSP)
Noise monitoring and hearing conservation programs (ASP/CHMM/CHSM/CIH/CSP/OHST)
Noise control (ASP/CIH/CSP)
OSHA 501 or 502 update courses
Personal protective clothing (CHMM/CHSM/CIH/CSP/OHST)
Pesticide safety
Preparation of known concentrations of gases and vapors (CIH)
Radiation: ionizing (ASP/CHMM/CIH/CSP/OHST)
Radiation: non-ionizing (ASP/CIH/CSP/OHST)
Respiratory protection and programs (CHMM/CHSM/CIH/CSP/OHST)
Risk assessment. management and communication (ASP/CHSM/CIH/CSP/OHST)
Toxicology (CHSM/CIH/CSP)
Ventilation theory and evaluation (CHSM/CIH/CSP)
Ventilation design (CIH/CSP)
Vibration (ASP/CIH/CSP)

Question Title

* 5. How about travel to Clear Lake, TX for a class? (select the one that best applies)

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* 6. What days and times work best? Note: most classes will be 8-hours of instruction  and occur on one or more successive days or weeks.  (select at least three but include all that would work for you or your employer)

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* 7. What months of the year are acceptable or best? Note: Consider busy times of the year, conferences, holidays and vacations.  (select at least three but all that apply)

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* 8. Based on how we can structure and/or bundle classes, what costs for continuing education are acceptable?  The range includes early-bird, veteran and other discounts. (select all that apply)

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* 9. Does your employer pay for continuing education?

Question Title

* 10. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions regarding days, times, costs, etc.

If you would like more information on UHCL, our BS and MS degree options, or to get on a mailing list for continuing education, please contact Bob Phalen, PhD, CIH at or 281-283-3753.