SHSMD Student and Diversity Enrichment Program

This program is specially designed for students who are interested in attending our SHSMD Conference in-person or virtual at a free or discounted registration rate. Selections will be based on financial need, attendance availability and interest in the profession. Preference will be given to under-represented populations.

Diversity is paramount to SHSMD's culture and success. Our dedication is both organic and deliberate.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Which of the following SHSMD educational / conference options interests you? (Select the ones that interest you the most)

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* 3. Based on your birth date, which generational cohort are you a member of?

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* 4. Optional: Are you White, Black or African-American, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific islander, or some other race?

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* 5. Optional: Are you Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Cuban American, or some other Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino group?

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* 6. Optional: What is your current gender identity?

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* 7. Optional: Do you think of yourself as:

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* 8. Optional: Do you identify as an individual with a disability? (Select all that apply)

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* 9. Briefly describe your degree program and how it relates to health care strategy or marketing / market development.

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* 10. How will SHSMD education / conference attendance benefit you?  For example, how might it support your educational goals, skills,  knowledge or career path?

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* 11. What part of the curriculum interests you most and why?

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* 12. Additional information about yourself you'd like us to know.  

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* 13. Optional: Upload a copy of your transcript or student ID

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Thank you, your request will be reviewed and processed.  Recipients will be notified by mid-June.