ASLA needs your help! Do you have helpful hints or good examples to highlight sections and/or specific topics within the SITES Rating System? If so, fill out the form below and share up to three examples that the SDD PPN and ASLA can use to highlight on the Sustainable Design and Development PPN webpage and the ASLA SITES webpage. If you have any questions, please email

Need a little help getting started? Check out the example below:

Did you know that it is a requirement of SITES for all projects to form an integrated design team? 

In Section 2: Pre-Design Assessment + Planning, the first prerequisite is “Use an integrative design process.” The intent of this section is to “Optimize site performance by identifying and executing synergistic opportunities across different disciplines throughout all phases of design and construction.”

The first step to achieve this prerequisite is to form an integrated design team, which should include at minimum the following roles:

a.  Owner and/or client
b.  Professionals knowledgeable in design, construction, and maintenance
c.  Professionals knowledgeable in sustainable practices
d.  Professionals with expertise in vegetation, water, soils, landscape ecology, materials, and human health and well-being, selected to meet the unique constraints and opportunities of the project and its site.
(Information adapted from the SITES v2 Rating System)

Question:  Can you think of a project that you are currently working on that you think could be SITES certified. Can you verify that an integrated design team has been a part of that project for all phases of design and construction? 

Question Title

* 1. SITES Highlight #1

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* 2. SITES Highlight #2

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* 3. SITES Highlight #3

Question Title

* 4. Are you interested in being contacted to assist ASLA in creating additional educational material for SITES?

Question Title

* 5. Full Name

Question Title

* 6. Email Address