Thank you for your interest in presenting at ASCP's 2021 Annual Meeting Student Chapter Activity Fair!

You work hard to help your chapter do amazing things. Share your chapter’s story at ASCP's 2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibition with a Student Chapter Activity Poster! It will be held on Friday November 5, 2021, from 6 PM - 7 PM.

Every year, hundreds of students present the work that their chapters have accomplished. Now, it’s your turn. What has your chapter accomplished this year? Show us with a poster! 
  • Expand your network as you present your work to other students and professionals 
  • Gain recognition for your chapter 
  • Enjoy a fun activity as a chapter 
Poster Guidelines: 
  • Posters should be bigger than 22" x 28" poster paper 
  • Include the name of your school and the names of the students representing your chapter at AM21
  • Include what your chapter activity was, how you executed the event, and the results 
  • This is a chance to be creative so go for it! Remember, a picture can be worth 1,000 words 
  • Chapter representatives may set up their poster in theExhibit Hall starting Friday at 5 PM
  • Bring your own push pins to display your poster
  • Tip: Use a matte finish so that the exhibit hall lights don't make a glare

Please fill out the following information by October 15, 2021 identifying a representative for the event. We will send all logistic details to this contact. Email Olivia Hanson at with any further questions or concerns.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter the name of your school:

Question Title

* 2. Please select one representative for ASCP to communicate with.

First and last name:

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* 3. Email address:

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* 4. Phone number that can be contacted at the event:

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* 5. Tell us about your poster and who will be attending from your chapter to present!