Share your feedback, we’re listening

Thank you for your generosity to Scouts Canada. We appreciate you joining the journey to benefit the lives of kids and young people nationwide.

Please take 5 minutes to complete the survey. Share your thoughts so we may improve your experience as a friend of Scouting.

Your feedback will help us better understand your preferences: whether you’d still like to hear from us with updates on the impact of your generosity, how you prefer to hear from us, what aspects of Scouting you’d like to hear more about, and any other thoughts you’d like to share to help us connect with you better.

Below are instructions for completing the survey. Please read these carefully before you begin.
  1. To view or change an answer to a previous question, use the ‘back’ button on the survey page and not the ‘back’ button on your Internet browser.
  2. Consider the “I Don’t Know” option, where offered, as a last resort.
If you have any questions please contact