The following document is to be completed by the Club Chairperson & Club Secretary (who appear for your Club on The FA Club Portal) for each Club who have applied to be a member Club of the League for the 2024-2025 season. It is a requirement for all Clubs who wish to participate in the League to ensure that this document is completed please.

This document must be submitted by ALL Chairpersons & Club Secretaries of EVERY Club before 11:59pm on 25th August 2024.

Clubs failing to submit the form online will incur a fine in accordance with the Fines Tariff and will not be permitted to participate in the League until properly received.

Question Title

* 2. Details of Person Completing this Form

Question Title

* 4.
The Club has a Safeguarding Policy that satisfies FA requirements and understands that children & young peoples' welfare is paramount in all that the Club strives to achieve.

Question Title

* 5.
All Club Committee Members, Managers, Coaches, Parents and Players have been made aware of the FA Respect Codes of Conduct.  The Club agree to promote and uphold these values at all times.

Question Title

* 6.
The Club will promote best practice in all aspects of participation in the Surrey County Womens & Girls League and ensure that their Officials, Players & Spectators abide by the Laws of the Football Association and the Surrey County Womens & Girls League 2024-2025 Season Rules, which can be found on the SCWGL website.

Question Title

* 7.
On behalf of the Club, I understand that the primary aim of the Surrey County Womens & Girls League is to provide a safe and fun environment for all participants. I also understand that any participant whose actions / behaviour warrant the view of the SCWGL Management Committee that they cannot reasonably guarantee that to be the case, will have their fixtures withdrawn until measures are in place to satisfy the SCWGL to the contrary.

Question Title

* 8.
I have read a copy of the Rules of the Surrey County Womens & Girls League and also the FA RESPECT Code of Conduct Regulations. By submitting this Form, I agree to uphold the principle of them at all times whilst participating in the Surrey County Womens & Girls League and I agree to be bound by their terms and conditions. [Subject to the right of appeal (Rule 7)]

Question Title

* 9.
I confirm that all Team Managers within our Club have seen and agreed to the Surrey County Womens & Girls League's Code of Conduct

Question Title

* 10.
I confirm that any new Team Managers within our Club will be shown and will agree to the Surrey County Womens & Girls League's Code of Conduct before they start their Team Manager duties