Thank you for taking this time to complete this survey! The North Carolina Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, or SCORP, is a guiding document for how our state departments, divisions and recreation providers will address the needs of residents over the next five years. Your input is incredibly valuable in the drafting of the plan. Please allow yourself 5-10 minutes to complete the following survey. If you would like to learn more about the plan, please visit

This survey will close on Wednesday, October 30th at midnight, so be sure to submit your responses before then! Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. What is your zip code?

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* 2. Please select all the activities you and members of your household participated in during the last 12 months.

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* 3. What activities would you like to try or spend more time doing? (Select all that apply.)

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* 4. Why do you participate in outdoor recreation activities? (Select all that apply.)

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* 5. What keeps you from enjoying outdoor recreation activities more often or at all? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 6. Rank the following goals based on how you think North Carolina parks and recreation providers should prioritize them.

  Highest Priority Medium Priority Low Priority
Acquisition of new parks and open space
Development of new facilities at existing recreation sites
Improvement and maintenance of existing infrastructure and facilities
Transforming existing facilities to serve new purposes
Providing local, regional, and statewide trails
Providing educational programs and visitor services
Protection of natural resources

Question Title

* 7. The following are 8 actions that could improve and expand park facilities. Please select the level of importance of each to you and your household.

  Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important Don't Know
Develop more traditional recreation opportunities (trails, campgrounds, playgrounds, picnicking, etc.)
Acquire more land for the preservation of habitat and naturally and/or historically significant features of the state
Provide environmental / nature education at select parks.
Improve conditions of existing parks
Develop more outdoor adventure recreation opportunities (mountain biking, hiking in mountains, etc.)
Increase the level and quality of park services for day and/or overnight visitors (food trucks, equipment rental, outdoor programs, etc.)
Actively pursue watershed protection and preservation of environmentally sensitive areas.
Support local/state economic development/tourism by focusing on the economic value of parks and recreation.

Question Title

* 8. How do you show your support to local, state, and national parks' outdoor recreation? Please select all that apply.

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* 9. The cost to offer outdoor recreation opportunities across the state is rising faster than the ability to pay for these costs. As services and inflation continue to grow, this will become a bigger funding issue. Knowing this, which of the following would you support as an alternative source of funding for land acquisition and/or development of outdoor recreational areas and/or facilities?

  Very Supportive Supportive Neutral Not Supportive Not at all Supportive
Third-party commercial user fees (i.e. vendor)
User fees (i.e. permits, rentals)
Personal taxes
Donations (i.e. land, estate planning)
Concessions and sales
Dedicated funding source (i.e. excise tax)
Bond referendum

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* 10. What is your age (years)?

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* 11. Are you or any members of your family of Hispanic, Spanish, or Latino/a/x ancestry?

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* 12. Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity? [Check ALL that apply.]

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* 13. Do you own or rent your current residence?

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* 14. Do you have personal transportation?