2016 Best Practices Awards Nomination

Thank you for participating in the Sonoma County Mayors' Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities' 2016 Best Practices Awards nomination process. The Mayors’ Committee On Employment of People with Disabilities exists to promote and encourage gainful employment for individuals with disabilities in Sonoma County. Our annual Best Practices Awards celebrates important work being done in Sonoma County by and in support of people with disabilities.

The Mayors' Committee will notify nominees and award recipients in late September and will present awards at our annual Best Practices Awards Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. on October 19 at the Flamingo Hotel in Santa Rosa.

The Mayors' Committee has provided some questions to assist you in making your nomination(s). If you would like to make more than one nomination in any category, it will be necessary to resubmit this form. This nomination process will close at 5:00 p.m. on August 31, 2016.

Nominees must work at least one year for a business in Sonoma County

Business must be located in Sonoma County

Award recipients must be able to attend the annual Best Practices Awards Breakfast on October 19, 2016.

Award recipients will be expected to provide a media release to use name and photo in print, online, and in social media.

Award recipients will be asked to participate in a photo shoot of their business or job.

Please confirm the nomination with the individual, business, or organization nominated before submitting this form.

Questions? Please contact David Wayte at dwayte@dor.ca.gov.

Question Title

* 1.
Nominator Information (the person making the nomination):