Manchester Active Cycling Grant Scheme - children and young people |
Manchester Active Cycling Grant Scheme – children and young people.
As a legacy of Manchester being awarded the European Capital of Cycling 2024, Manchester Active is continuing to offer small grants to community groups to engage children and young people between the ages of 6-16 years* in cycling, including putting on events and activities.
We are offering grants of up to £500, however for larger projects or for multiple events, we will consider awarding grants of up to £1,000.
Applications will be considered on a fortnightly basis, after which we will inform applicants of the outcome, or contact them to seek further information. The delivery period is between now and end of December 2025. Funding subject to availability.
Delivery must take place within the Manchester City Council boundary area and be for the benefit of residents living there.
If you would like to discuss the grant further before applying or need additional support, please email sport@mcractive.com.
Successful applicants agree to sign up to Manchester Active’s Provider Portal, where they will upload their documentation to demonstrate they meet Manchester Active’s delivery standards (public liability insurance of £10m,plus safeguarding evidence). Support will be given for this. https://providers.mcractive.com/
*whilst children and young people aged 6-16 must be the main beneficiaries of the fund, wider families and younger children can also be included.