Preferences Survey

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* 1. How do you feel about a fee program being introduced to offset transportation impacts from development as measured by vehicle miles traveled (VMT)?

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* 2. Do you think it’s better to have a transportation fee program that charges all projects or a fee program that only charges projects that have an environmental impact on transportation?

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* 3. Do you think it’s better to have a fee program that charges based on the size of a development project or a fee program that charges based on the magnitude of the impact from that project?

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* 4. Which types of projects would you be most excited about seeing more of in Santa Cruz County? Please rank the following options

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* 5. If there is a fee program, would you rather see funds spent on improvements closer to the project location or would you prefer the funds be spent regionally? For example if a project pays fees in the City of Watsonville would you prefer to see those fees spent in Watsonville, or spent on a project that spans multiple cities, or would you prefer the fees be split to go to both local and regional projects.

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* 6. Concerns have been raised about implementing a fee-based VMT mitigation program. Please rank the concerns below from most concerning to least concerning in your option.