Community Survey

A survey for locals from Tatura and surrounding areas, to help comedian Damian Callinan prepare for the performance of Mayor for a Day at Tatura Victory Hall on Tuesday, October 11th. [NB - If you live in another town, answer the questions from that perspective]

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* 1. Give a shout out to some of your special, living locals. They could be unsung heroes, quiet achievers, colourful characters, impassioned campaigners or loveable eccentrics.

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* 2. What are the 3 biggest issues currently confronting your community?

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* 3. What are the 3 most trivial issues currently confronting your community?

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* 4. If you were Mayor for 24 hours, what would you change?

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* 5. If you could rework your town's entrance sign, what logo and slogan would you use?

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* 6. Who do you see as your town's main rivals and why? ie/ always beat us in footy, they've got more pubs, they stole our farmer's market idea etc.

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* 7. Tell us about a local group with a difference ie/ Over 80’s Zumba, Wool Shed Yoga, Donkey Dressage Club etc.

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* 8. Do you have any interesting local photos from your past or even before your time? We are particularly looking for photos featuring people. ie/ weddings, schools, sport, hall dances, community events etc. If so, would you be willing to scan a couple of your best or quirkiest images and send them to us at

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* 9. If you had guests coming to stay for 48 hours, describe an itinerary that would best show off your town and the surrounding area.

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* 10. If you are willing for us to potentially follow up some of your answers, would you mind sharing your email address below? Thanks so much for doing the survey and hopefully we'll see you at the show at the the Tatura Victory Hall  on October 11th.