South Brisbane Community Survey As the local MP, it’s my job to represent about 55,000 people. Since I can’t talk to everyone face to face, I’m eager to hear your views on some key local and statewide issues. If you have any questions or issues with the survey, please get in touch at or 3724 9100. Question Title * 1. What suburb do you live in? Annerley Dutton Park Highgate Hill Kangaroo Point South Brisbane West End Woolloongabba East Brisbane Question Title * 2. Do you rent or own your home? Rent Own (Mortgage) Own (Outright) LOCAL ISSUES Question Title * 3. What LOCAL issues are most important to you? (Select your top 3 issues) Overdevelopment Housing Affordability Traffic and Congestion Access to greenspace Active transport, cycling, walking Local schools: resources, infrastructure, funding Biodiversity Public Transport Support for local businesses Local arts and creative sector Disaster preparedness Impact of the Olympics on our neighbourhood Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Why did you select these LOCAL issues? STATEWIDE ISSUES Question Title * 5. What STATEWIDE issues are most important to you? (Pick your top 3 issues) Climate change Public Transport Renters Rights Education Healthcare Land Rights First Nations Treaty Women's safety Raising government revenue Statewide impact of the Olympics Jobs Inequality and poverty Housing and homelessness Political integrity Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Why did you select these STATEWIDE issues? Question Title * 7. What other local or statewide issues should I be aware of? DEVELOPER TAXThe Victorian Government recently introduced a windfall gains tax on developers. During the 2020 State Election, the Greens proposed a 75% Developer Tax on increases in land value due to rezoning (windfall gains). Estimates from Murray and Frijters show that Queensland would raise $1.9 billion per year by implementing a tax like this.This tax wouldn't apply to ordinary residents whose homes are rezoned, unless they choose to use the extra rights they received under the rezoning. For example, if a resident chose to build town houses on their land once it was up-zoned to allow for this, they would have to pay this value gains tax. Question Title * 8. Would you support taxing developers for land value gains from rezoning and using this additional revenue for public services and local infrastructure? Yes No Unsure KEEP UP-TO-DATE Question Title * 9. Include your name and email address to get my regular email newsletter Name Email Address Done