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* 1. Are you interested in fundraising?  (Team fees will be approx $175 per player)

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* 2. Our plan this year is to attend the SEDMHA in Halifax on November 23-26 and the Sweetheart on February 8-11.  Also, the provincial championships will be March 23 - 25th.  Would you like to go in more tournaments than this?

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* 3. The SEDMHA is only a little over a month away.  We have two options for hotels which can accommodate us and gave a discounted price.  This year, the tournament will be held at the new Dartmouth 4 pad arena.  Both of these hotels are approximately 15 mins from the rink. Neither have pools but the Canada Games Center is open to the public if anyone wanted to go swimming. Please indicate your preference:

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* 4. Are you interested on being on the social committee (help plan Christmas parties, pizza events, etc)?

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* 5. Are you interested on being on the fundraising committee (if we decide to fundraise)?

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* 6. Selling 50/50 tickets is a great fundraiser at all home games.  Although everyone needs to take a turn, are you interested in coordinating the cash/volunteers?

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* 7. Are you willing to be the team treasurer?  As such, you would look after all finances, banking and paying tournament fees, etc.  You would have a co-signer for the bank account so that no one is solely responsible.