Stony Brook - School Council Survey

This survey consists of THREE sections: (1) School Climate and Social-Emotional Learning; (2) Future Learning Opportunities and Enrichment; and (3) our Academic Program 

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* 1. SCHOOL CLIMATE -[The first section is specific to school climate and social-emotional learning]
Please rate your feelings this year toward the climate at Stony Brook in each area listed below.

  Very High Level Moderately High Level Moderate Level Moderately Low Level Low Level 
Confidence in Stony Brook Elementary School
Trust in Stony Brook Elementary School
Stability at Stony Brook Elementary School
Ability for Stony Brook to cause Positive Learning Outcomes 

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* 2. Do you, as a parent/grandparent, feel comfortable with and respected by the Stony Brook staff/teachers?

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* 3. Do you feel your child is safe at Stony Brook Elementary School?

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* 4. What level of impact, if any, have you noticed as a result of our Second Step implementation?  [Second Step addresses Skills for Learning, Empathy/ Compassion, Emotion Management, and Problem Solving].

  High Level of Impact Moderate Impact Minimal Impact No Impact Not Sure/Don’t Know
Impact on Skills for Learning
Impact on Empathy/Compassion
Impact on Emotion Management
Impact on Problem Solving 

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* 5. Is your child participating in Mindfulness [Inner Explorer or Calmer Choice] activities in his/her classroom?

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* 6. If you answered “yes” to the question above, please rate the impact that Mindfulness activities have had on your child.

  High Level of Impact Moderate Level of Impact Low Level of Impact Not Yet Sure
Ability to recognize emotions and show empathy
Ability to calm down/settle emotions
Ability to focus and listen
Ability to be assertive and use self-talk
Ability to resolve conflict and problem solve
Other benefits

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* 7. To what extent do you feel as if your child is appreciative of diversity [Including differences in skin color, nationality, learning styles, world cultures].

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* 8. Do you feel the topics addressed in the Second Step Child Protection Unit and Bullying Prevention Unit should be taught to children at StonyBrook?

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* 9. Does your child exhibit anxious behaviors? [If yes, please include your belief as to what causes the anxiety]

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* 10. Are you aware of our school motto: CARE for Yourself, CARE for Others, CARE for our World?

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* 11. Learning Opportunities -  [The following questions relate to learning opportunities Before, During, and After School]

What Learning Programs would you be most interested in for your child if these programs occurred DURING the school day (Check ALL in which you are interested)

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* 12. Please select your top three AFTER SCHOOL enrichment opportunities from the list below.

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* 13. Are you currently using after school childcare or enrichment?

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* 14. Are you willing to pay for after school childcare programs? 

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* 15. Are you willing to pay for one-hour (or thereabouts) enrichment/extracurricular programs for your child?

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* 16. Would you be in favor of consolidating school buildings and having all students K-5 in the Stony Brook building?

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* 17. ACADEMIC PROGRAM - [The following four questions ask your opinion about the academic program at Stony Brook]

Please rate your current opinion of each academic area at Stony Brook based upon your child's LEARNING.

  Very High  High  Moderate Low Very Low Not Sure
Social Studies
Physical Education
Social-Emotional Learning

Question Title

* 18. What improvements or changes would you suggest to better meet your child's learning needs?

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* 19. Please rate your current opinion of each academic area at Stony Brook based upon your child's MOTIVATION.

  Very High  High  Moderate Low Very Low Not Sure
Social Studies
Physical Education
Social-Emotional Learning

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* 20. What improvement or changes would you suggest to better engage your child and meet his/her motivational needs?

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* 21. Would you participate in parent workshops to learn more about content areas and how you can best support your child at home with his/her learning?

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* 22. Would you be willing to attend a webinar in order to help support your child in one or more academic areas (taught by Stony Brook staff)?