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* 1. What challenges has your community or unit of government faced when working to implement efficiencies, and what can Transform Illinois do to assist in your efforts? To the extent possible, please provide some details about the problems you face and the kind of assistance needed:

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* 2. Along those lines, would your community be interested in submitting a proposal for assistance on service sharing or other efficiency improvements through CMAP's Local Technical Assistance program? (choose one)

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* 3. Do you know of any local government efficiency models that Transform Illinois should research and/or highlight through communications? 

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* 4. Do you know of any impediments to government efficiency that require action by the General Assembly or Governor of the State of Illinois? If so, please provide some details:

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* 5. Do you have suggestions for research initiatives that would fill gaps in our understanding of government effectiveness and efficiency? 

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* 6. Are you interested in learning more about Transform Illinois? (choose one)

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* 7. please provide your contact info: