What do you consider a small business? 

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* 1. What do you consider a small business?

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* 2. Would you say that things in California are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel that things are off on the wrong track?

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* 3. Would you say that things in the United States are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel that things are off on the wrong track?

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* 4. On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest), please rate the following items about California.

  1 2 3 4 5
The economy
The business climate in California
The business climate for small businesses

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* 5. How have your gross revenues changed over the last 12 months?

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* 6. Have you seen an improvement in the economy in the last 6 months?

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* 7. Over the past 12 months, has the number of people employed by your business increased, decreased, or stayed the same?

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* 8. If you plan on hiring new employees in the next 6 months, at what wage level will they start?

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* 9. Do you plan on hiring more independent contractors in the next 6 months?

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* 10. Over the next few years, do you think the business climate for small businesses in California will be much better, somewhat better, about the same, somewhat worse, or much worse?

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* 11. Do you see yourself in business in California in 3 years?

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* 12. Here are some issues affecting California small businesses that people have said should be addressed by your elected officials in Sacramento. For each one, please tell us whether you think it should be the top priority, a high priority, a medium priority, a low priority, or not a priority at all for your elected officials in Sacramento.

  Top priority High priority Medium priority Low priority Not a priority at all
Reducing state taxes
Awarding state contracts to small businesses
The economy
The cost of energy/fuel
Health care
Too much regulation
Access to capital/credit
Climate change
Worker's compensation 
International trade
Public education quality
Finding qualified workers
Affordable housing

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* 13. Do you provide health insurance benefits to your employees?

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* 14. Would you support a publicly-funded insurance pool that provides universal health care coverage, such as a "Medicare-for-All" plan, that includes access to prescription drugs, dental and vision, relieving businesses of health insurance responsibilities, so everyone has equal access to healthcare?

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* 15. The state of California has been considering a single-payer healthcare approach, where businesses are not responsible for paying for or administering employee health insurance. If such a system were put in place, please rank the below sources of funding in the order you would most to least prefer, with 1 being the most favorable source, and 6 being the least favorable.

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* 16. Did you use the Small Business (Shop) Covered California for your group health insurance coverage?

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* 17. The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides management and technical assistance to small businesses in California. Are you aware of the assistance?

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* 18. In thinking about education, which higher education institution provides better job training skills for the needs of your company?

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* 19. What effect, if any, does the underground economy - including businesses that pay employees "under the table" and those that misclassify employees as consultants or contractors in order to avoid payroll taxes, workers' comp, and other benefits - have on your business?

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* 20. Do you support environmental legislation and regulations that impact small businesses?

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* 21. Have you felt the impact of environmental regulations, such as the "straw ban," on your business?

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* 22. When you needed to hire employees over the past 24 months, what local resources did you access?

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* 23. California is dominated by Democrats in elected offices, is this:

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* 24. Have you ever contacted your state Senator, Assemblymember, or Governor about a small business issue you were affected by? If yes, do you think it had any impact?

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* 25. Do you need credit for your business for any of the following:

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* 26. Have you recently obtained credit for:

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* 27. Are you interested in any source of equity financing?

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* 28. If yes to any of the above, have you ever tried to get equity investors?

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* 29. SB Cal is supporting improved sources of equity funding in California. Is this of interest to you?

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* 30. How much equity financing are you interested in?

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* 31. Are you aware of the State Loan Guarantee Program's Financial Development Corporations?

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* 32. Are you aware of any state lending programs?

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* 33. Are you aware of the Workforce Investment Board?

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* 34. Have you interacted with the Workforce Investment Board?

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* 35. How many full-time employees does your company have?

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* 36. What is your official title within the company?

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* 37. Which political party better represents the interests of small businesses: Democrats, Republicans, Independents, all equally, or none of the above?

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* 38. With which racial or ethnic group do you identify yourself?

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* 39. What is your gender?

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* 40. Which county is your business located in? If you have multiple locations, please check all that apply.

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* 41. Does your city/county have a 'buy local' or 'go local' campaign in support of small businesses? 

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* 42. How is your business organized?

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* 43. What association best represents your interests in California?

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* 44. What is your main source of news on state/local legislation and regulations?

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* 45. If you would like more information about Small Business California and the work we do, please give us your contact information.