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Transit Safety Survey

The SFMTA is seeking to better understand if riders feel safe using their service. The following questions are sensitive but will help the SFMTA improve safety. Your response is important even if you choose to skip some questions. The survey is for adults (18 years or older). All responses will be kept confidential.

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* 1. How often do you typically ride Muni (buses, light rail Metro trains, historic streetcars and/or cable cars)?

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* 2. How often do you feel safe using Muni?

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* 3. Where do you feel most unsafe using Muni? (Choose one)

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* 4. Please share the top 3 locations where you have felt most unsafe when using Muni. Be specific and brief. State specific Muni lines, stations, stops, streets, neighborhoods, or SFMTA parking lots.

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* 5. Do you currently take any safety precautions when using Muni to avoid being harassed? (Check all that apply)

The following questions ask about your experiences using Muni over the past year or so. Think about all parts of a transit trip, both onboard and while waiting at stations or stops.

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* 6. Have you seen or experienced harassment while using Muni in the past year? (For this question, harassment means words, gestures, or actions directed at a specific person in a public place, without the consent of that person, that the person experiences as intimidating, alarming, terrorizing, or threatening to their safety.)

  Happened to me Saw it happen to others
Hostile comments, sounds, gestures or actions
Following or stalking
Inappropriate or unwanted groping, kissing, or other inappropriate touching
Pushing, spitting, coughing on you, or other physical assault
Showing pornographic or offensive pictures or words
Sexual assault or rape
Do not know/not sure
If answer to question 6 is “None” or “Do not know/not sure,” skip to question 15

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* 7. How often did you experience or see any of these behaviors when using Muni in the past year?

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* 8. Where did these incidents happen? (Check all that apply)

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* 9. When did these incidents happen? (Check all that apply)

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* 10. When these incidents happened, were you alone or with traveling companions? (Check all that apply)

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* 11. When these incidents happened, did you report any of them? (Check all that apply)

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* 12. If you reported the incident to Muni staff or called 311, did you receive a response?

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* 13. If you have not reported any incidents, why not? (Check all that apply)

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* 14. Below are some categories of harassment. Thinking back, please indicate which, if any, would apply when these incidents happened. (Check all that apply)

Now we will ask a few questions about you. They are meant to help us better understand the diverse communities SFMTA projects serve.

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* 15. What is your age?

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* 16. How do you describe your gender identity? (Select all that apply)

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* 17. With what race and/or ethnicity do you identify? (Select all that apply)

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* 18. What is your native language? (Select all that apply)

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* 19. How well do you speak English?

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* 20. Do any of the following disabilities currently affect your daily life? (Select all that apply)

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* 21. What is the total annual income (before taxes) of everyone in your household?

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* 22. How many people are in your household?

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* 23. Do you or someone in your household own a car that is used for transportation in San Francisco?

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