Complete the following questions for each youth on your roster.

Students on your roster - you should know them a minimum of three weeks to respond to these questions. If you haven't known them that long, talk to your site coordinator.

Question Title

* 1. Student's ID

Question Title

* 2. Site

Question Title

* 3. Problem Solving Skills
Please choose the response that best describes how often this youth:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Always
a. When encounters difficulty, is able to identify and describe the problem.
b. Is able to think up several possible solutions to a problem.
c. Persists on task even when experiencing difficulty.
d. Is able to stop and think through a potential solution to a problem -- before taking action

Question Title

* 4. Relations with Peers
Select the response that best describes how often this youth:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Always
a. Works well on cooperative tasks
b. Forms friendships with peers.
c. Shows respect and consideration for peers (including those who may differ by gender, age, race/ethnicity or peer group)
d. Is able to disagree with, or questions peers in a respectful and friendly manner.
e. Is able to compromise with peers during times of disagreement or conflict.
f. Is able to listen to a peers' point of view during a disagreement.