Responsible staff clinic pre-administration survey

The Mount Sinai Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention (SAVI) Program wishes to support responsible staff by expanding upon the role of responsible staff through application of skills and knowledge gleaned from previous Title IX and responsible staff trainings. We look forward to gaining more insight into your specific campus and role. Your responses will be confidential, so please feel free to be candid. Thank you kindly for completing this survey as well as the work you do for your community. We look forward to supporting you!

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* 2. Which best describes your role?

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* 3. Which best describes your role?

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* 4. Have you ever fielded a disclosure of sexual or intimate partner / interpersonal violence from a student or supervisee in this or past roles?

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* 5. Have you ever fielded a disclosure of sexual or intimate partner / interpersonal violence from a professional peer or colleague in this or past roles?

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* 6. Have you ever fielded a disclosure of sexual or intimate partner / interpersonal violence from a friend or family member in your life?

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* 7. If yes to any of the above, do you feel like you had the information and emotional capacity to sensitively support that person?

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* 8. What are your biggest concerns about your role as a responsible staff member with certain reporting obligations (Title IX and mandated reporter requirements) ?

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* 9. Please tick all that are TRUE to the best of your knowledge.

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* 10. What do you hope to learn from this responsible staff workshop/clinic?