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Thank you for taking time to participate in this brief survey.  The SAR Board is very interested in the members’ experience at our first-ever virtual meeting.  Please be assured that all responses are anonymous and confidential.  Your responses will help us plan future meetings, ensuring that our format is inclusive for our diverse membership.
Baseline questions:

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. With which gender do you identify?

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* 3. How would you describe yourself?

The next two questions ask about your living situation at the time of the SAR Annual Meeting in March 2021. 

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* 4. Other than yourself, please indicate any adults (excluding your grown children) who live in your household (may choose more than one).

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* 5. Please indicate any children in your household (may check more than 1 box).  If not, then skip to Question 7.

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* 6. If there are children in your home, how much of the childcare do you directly provide?

The following questions pertain to your attendance of the virtual meeting.

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* 7. Did you attend Sunday’s meeting events?

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* 8. Where did you watch the meeting?

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* 9. Were you able to pay attention to the program to your satisfaction?

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* 10. If you answered NO to the above question, please let us know why:


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* 11. Did you attend weekday DAYTIME meeting events?

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* 12. Where did you watch the meeting?

  0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Other Location

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* 13. How many protected meeting days did you receive for the meeting?

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* 14. Were you able to pay attention to the program to your satisfaction?

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* 15. If you answered NO, pick the reason that BEST fits your experience


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* 16. Did you attend any evening social events?

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* 17. What was the main location where you watched the events?

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* 18. Were you able to pay attention to the program/participate to your satisfaction?

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* 19. If you answered NO, pick the reason that BEST fits your experience


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* 20. How would you assess the educational content of the virtual meeting compared to a live meeting?

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* 21. Overall, please compare your level of participation in the networking opportunities of the virtual meeting to a live meeting.

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* 22. Overall, please compare your level of engagement in the 2021 SAR meeting compared to previous years.

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* 23. Did you view meeting content after the meeting On Demand?

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* 24. What did you like about the virtual format?

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* 25. Is there anything we should retain from the virtual experience when we return to in person meetings?

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* 26. What could have been done better in the virtual format?

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* 27. Other comments

0 of 27 answered