About SARC and our survey

Thank you for participating in our survey.

Your feedback is important to help us to understand what we are doing well, how effective we are in achieving our aims, how we can improve and what we should consider in planning our future directions. 

SARC’s vision is simple and powerful. We want a just Tasmania — a Tasmania where every person has an equal opportunity to reach fullness of life. Our mission is to help create it. We work to bring about positive social change that will benefit Tasmanians experiencing disadvantage. 

The work of SARC includes:
  • social research to build an evidence base and increase our understanding of issues;
  • social policy development to contribute ideas on how government can best provide services and opportunities for everyone;
  • advocacy to influence decision-makers to adopt our ideas; and
  • campaigning to build community support and work collaboratively to make change.

This survey should take about 7 minutes of your time. Thanks again - we really value what you think.