Welcome to the Sovereign Art Foundation Guernsey Students Prize! We are really looking forward to seeing your artwork.
Please complete all the questions below. Note we will email you with instructions on how to submit your artwork to the email addresses you enter on this form. Note that if you are under 18 and have provided your own email address, we will copy your parent/legal guardian in on all email correspondence.
If you have any difficulties completing this form, please email SAFGuernsey@SovereignGroup.com
Full competition details including the terms and conditions are available on the Sovereign Art Foundation Guernsey Students Prize webpage

Question Title

* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 4. Current School Year

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* 5. Date of Birth


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* 6. Parental Consent

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* 7. Parent / Legal Guardian First Name

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* 8. Parent / Legal Guardian Last Name

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* 9. Parent / Legal Guardian email address

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* 10. Student email address*

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* 11. Parent / Legal Guardian telephone number

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* 12. In order to be entered into this competition please tick this box to confirm that you have read and agree to the competition's terms and conditions which are listed at artprize.gg

Question Title

* 13. Would you like your artwork to be considered for our fundraising auction? By supporting our auction, you will be raising money for both yourself and the Sovereign Art Foundation. The proceeds of the sale of your artwork will be evenly split between yourself and the Foundation. Should your artwork be selected for auction, we will agree its reserve price with you and the artwork will not be sold if the reserve price is not reached.