Church Renovation Feedback

What you have seen today is the compilation and result of all the input about what our parish needs to do to address the concerns of the Church along with the hopes of creating a place of prayer and worship that will carry our parish forward for the next generation.

Your input tonight will give us guidance and direction as we continue to develop a plan to present to the entire parish.

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* 1. Overall, I like the general direction of the plan.

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* 2. I like the combination of materials used (stone, wood, tile and carpet)

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* 3. The plan presented today reflects the faith and spirit of our community.

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* 4. I believe most of our members would find these renovations:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

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* 5. I would be financially supportive of this plan outside of my normal Sunday collection.

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* 6. What did you like most about the plan?

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* 7. What questions or concerns do you believe need to be addressed before we move forward to develop a final plan?

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* 8. Name, email and phone number.