This survey is designed to provide the Gap Year Association (formerly the American Gap Association) with pertinent information about an organization that is applying to be a member with us. Data gathered from this survey will be used to generate internal reports that will recognize trends and identify areas to be improved upon throughout the gap year industry, resulting in enriched programming. Survey results, as well as the identity of the individuals that submit them, will remain completely confidential and will not be shared with third parties.

This should take roughly ten minutes and is completely voluntary. The Gap Year Association thanks you in advance for providing us with this invaluable feedback.

Question Title

* 1. What organization did you take your Gap Year with?

Question Title

* 2. Did the organization consciously include core qualities of Experiential Education? Such qualities are evidenced by ample opportunities for focused reflection with strong emphasis on student directed answers, as well as permitting the students to have active roles in the self-governance of their program.

How you may have experienced this: expectations that outline reflection, reflection debriefing after an activity or project, or expectations that outline self-governance for students as a priority.

Question Title

* 3. Did the organization attempt to challenge your comfort zone in manageable ways? Did the organization stress the importance of seeing things from opposing perspectives; expose you to, and discuss with you, differing world views, opinions, and cultural norms?

How you may have experienced this: copy of program planning directives that incorporate such challenges to student comfort zones, carefully designed activities that challenge participants' comfort zones, copy of curriculum that focuses on opposing perspectives education, experiential learning activities that incorporate multiple perspective recognition.

Question Title

* 4. Did the organization provide you with a clear understanding of its policies? This includes, but is not limited to, policies regarding disciplinary actions, romantic relationships, drug/alcohol use, prescription medication, financial costs (what is and what is not included in the price of the program), and frequency and methods of communication between the participants and their families for the duration of the program. Additionally, did the organization inform you on how to handle potentially inappropriate circumstances?

How you may have experienced this: public list of policies for students and how they are 'public', public URL, brochure, general program/organization information packet and description of its public availability, copy of student orientation detailing how to deal with or extricate students from challenging homestays.

Question Title

* 5. Did the organization provide on-site orientation (in addition to a pre-departure orientation)?

On-site orientations include: follow-up with students about any potentially undisclosed medical concerns, focuses on teaching students experientially about "risk management awareness" and problem solving, re-establishes program policies and goals, addresses and provides instruction on how to prevent/handle the following: illness, diseases, proper hygiene, working and communicating with others (within the group and/or locals), personal medical issues, curfews, host-region cultural norms (if international), crime, local laws, etc.

How you may have experienced this: staff-directed orientation, orientation materials, etc.

Question Title

* 6. Did the organization provide you with written welcome information that included details on your program policies, housing, food, drink, local environmental concerns, flora, fauna, transportation, vaccinations (preferably based on CDC guidelines), possible challenges (personal, group, cultural), safety/security, and a packing list specific to your program?

How you may have experienced this: welcome packet or student webpage detailing the items listed above.

Question Title

* 7. Did the organization have an appropriate re-entry process?

These experiences will inevitably transform a student's life, but even more so with a proper contextualization of the experience. Taking time to prepare a student for 'normal' life, or 'reverse culture shock' are critical towards their long-term success and the integration of lessons learned.

How you may have experienced this: staff-led debriefing after program, handouts or materials to address re-entry, role-playing of possible challenges in returning home, letter describing the steps taken to address re-integration shock post-program.

Question Title

* 8. Did the organization provide you with information and/or training relevant to each of the following?
- Culture: to understand context and support integration with your host's culture.
- Transportation: to address safety and decision-making.
- Independence: to prepare you for being independent in a foreign environment.
- Project focus: to understand the capacity, limitations, and network of any projects.
- Emotional (family, friend, organization) support: to promote longevity and emotional security for when things become challenging.

How you may have experienced this: copy of student benchmarks prior to commencement of program, organization protocols for assessing student appropriateness, proper orientation, orientation documents.

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* 9. Was the organization clear about finances (including costs, anticipated additional charges, and a clear refund policy)?

How you may have experienced this: public URL, brochure, public profiles of current staff, general program/organization packet and description of its public use.

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* 10. Did the organization provide you with a document (or require you to make your own document) that indicates what to do in case of being lost?

How you may have experienced this: copy of emergency card with requisite information, copy of student orientation materials requiring use of a card or similar emergency steps.