Survey Introduction

This is a brief survey designed to inform Lived Places Publishing's selection and design of author identity metadata (AIM) to provide to our readers. All AIM data will be author-generated and author-approved. This will take less than five minutes to complete. The categories represented below were arrived at through rounds of feedback with Lived Places Publishing authors and editors and are a reflection of their values. These categories are a beginning, not and end, and we will grow the LPP AIM subject fields over time with feedback from authors, readers, librarians, and others.

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* 1. Please help us understand your perspective. Are you?

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* 2. Please help us identify possible regional differences in responses. Which region of the world are you responding from?

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* 3. Please rank, in order of importance to you, the following categories of information you would like to know about the author and be able to search for on the publisher's website when looking for a book.

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* 4. Please add a category of author identity metadata not listed above that you would like to be able to search by

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* 5. What questions or comments do you have about this survey and/or the Author Identity metadata project?