Welcome to Our Survey

The following survey was approved for circulation by the ThyCa Board. Participation is voluntary and strictly anonymous. It should take 2-3 minutes to complete. The information gained from the survey will hopefully give ThyCa members knowledge about the prevalence of intimacy issues following treatment of thyroid cancer. It also hopes to provide information to healthcare providers regarding intimacy issues experienced by thyroid cancer survivors. The information could end up as a publication in a medical journal.

Participation in ThyCa sponsored surveys is very important. It represents an opportunity for ThyCans to bring previously underrecognized issues to light, affect physician attitudes to these issues and to enact healthcare delivery changes.  A previously published survey resulted in a paper that was already cited in 17 other journals to date*. The current survey should heighten awareness of issues of intimacy which are uncommonly brought up by physicians and difficult to discuss by survivors. Needless to say, the more people that respond to the survey, the more powerful the data and conclusions from the survey will be. Please participate! Again, the results are completely confidential and kept anonymous by Survey Monkey technology.

The survey is being conducted by David Myssiorek, MD, Professor of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The data will be analyzed by him, his associates and a statistician and will not be released to any other parties.
*Patient perspectives on dysphonia after thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer. Journal of Voice 2013; 27:111-4.