The Friends of Cannizaro Park Visitor Survey 2023
This information is invaluable to the Friends of Cannizaro Park in setting strategy for our work in the park, setting priorities for restoration and identifying target areas for fundraising.
Why do you usually visit the park? (Please tick all answers that apply)
Dog walking
Time with family and friends
To enjoy nature/the trees
None of the above
How do you usually travel to the park? (Please tick one answer)
On foot
By bicycle
Via public transport
By car
Where do you come from typically to visit the park? (Please tick one answer)
From SW19/20
From another Merton postcode
From outside the borough of Merton
How often do you visit the park? (Please tick one answer that best applies)
Every day
Two to three times a week
About once a week
Two to three times a month
Once a month
I have only visited once or twice
What aspects of Cannizaro Park do you particularly enjoy? (Please tick all answers that apply)
The tree collection
The rhododendrons
The variety of the landscape
The rose garden
It's a safe environment
It offers peace and tranquillity
General upkeep of the park
Which recent improvements from The Friends of Cannizaro Park have you particularly valued? (Please tick all answers that apply)
The front entrance to the park
The rose garden
The cherry tree walk
The newly planted bed in front of the hotel
The new noticeboards
FoCP newsletters
FoCP website
The posters in the park
In terms of future regeneration in the park, what 3 areas of focused work would enhance the park from your point of view? (Please tick three priorities)
Park accessibility (eg. quality of pathways that are easily navigable)
Improving drainage in areas prone to flooding, (eg. pond area)
Refreshing general planting including shrubs and flowers
Italian Garden restoration (the walled area through the gates beyond the pond)
Aviary reconstruction
How do you get your information about the park? (Please tick all that apply)
The Friends of Cannizaro Park social media channels
Posters in the park/park signage
The Friends of Cannizaro Park newsletter
The Friends of Cannizaro Park website
Via friends/family/contacts
Would you be interested in hearing more about the park, including events and becoming a Friend (if you are not already)? An annual subscription is £15 pp and £10 for an additional person.
Yes please I'd like to hear more (please register at
No thanks, I'm already a Friend
I'm happy with my current arrangements
Demographics: Please could you give us the following information on your gender, age and ethnicity? (Please tick all answers that apply)
Non binary
Prefer not to say
18 and under
55 plus
Mixed/multiple ethnic groups
Asian/Asian British
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Other ethnic group