Wellness Program Survey

Northland Health Centers are excited you have chosen to be part of the Wellness Program!
This challenge was designed to encourage overall wellness, consistent physical activity, and healthy diet choices. We hope you find this to be a fun experience for developing positive lifestyle changes.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. Which Northland Health Center are you competing at?

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* 3. Please report on your MINUTES of exercise each day.
Be sure to report MINUTES, not POINTS. 
If you did not exercise on a specific day, enter a zero.

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* 4. Please report on your SERVINGS of fruits and vegetables consumed each day.
Be sure to report SERVINGS, not POINTS. 
If you did not eat fruits or vegetables on a specific day, enter a zero.

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* 5. Please report on your HOURS of sleep each night.
Be sure to report HOURS, not POINTS. 

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* 6. Please report on your OUNCES of water consumed each day.
Be sure to report OUNCES, not POINTS.
If you did not drink water on a specific day, enter a zero

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* 7. Did you watch the YouTube video on the importance of sleep?

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* 8. Give a brief update on the progress of your personal goal.

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* 9. What is your email address?