
Why a Top Ten List?

CoSA is a trusted voice for the work and needs of state and territory archives. In order to educate and advocate effectively for its members to elected and appointed officials, allied organizations, the media, and the general public about the critical issues facing government archives, CoSA is looking to coalesce the membership around 10 top issues for 2024/25. This list will guide CoSA’s advocacy, research, and education programming as it moves into the final years of its current strategic plan and positions itself for its next plan.

Criteria for Issue Selection
The criteria for selecting issues for the Top 10 Priorities list are threefold:
1) the issue speaks to ensuring government records are broadly accessible to the public
2) the issue impacts upstream (records producers) and downstream (records consumers) stakeholders, within and outside government
3) CoSA has the capacity to educate and effectively advocate for the issue with a variety of stakeholders

Question Title

* 1. Do you currently work at a U.S. state/territory government archives?