Thank you for your time and effort in completing this short survey.  Your responses will contribute to preparedness project soon to be rolled out in the Perth Hills.  The project will be led by the Australian Red Cross, in collaboration with local government and other stakeholders.
The survey should take no more than 10 minutes of your time and all data will be completely anonymous.  The data will be collated and no information which can identify any individual will be collected. 
This information will be used to form a baseline understanding of levels of preparedness in the Perth Hills to inform and guide the implementation of a community preparedness program aiming at improving community resilience in the Perth hills.  The project is possible thanks to funding from the WA State Emergency Management Committee through the National Disaster Resilience Program 

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* 1. How long have you lived in the area you are now?

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* 2. Have you or anyone else in your household ever been seriously threatened by any emergencies or major incidents which affected the area where you live now and required evacuation or seeking shelter?

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* 3. Such emergencies or incidents can cause both short-term and longer term negative impacts on the people affected after the danger has passed. Thinking specifically about the longer-term negative impacts, what types of longer-term negative impacts do you believe such people are most likely to face?

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* 4. What types of emergencies or incidents do you believe pose the greatest potential threat to your household?  Check as many answer as you believe apply

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* 5. Have you or anyone else in your household made any plans or taken any steps to prepare for emergencies?

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* 6. Do your preparedness plans or activities focus on:

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* 7. In your emergency planning to date, please indicate whether the following elements have been given a great deal of consideration, some, little or no consideration so far? If you are unsure, please check unsure

  A great deal Some A little Not at all Unsure
How and where to access vital information during an emergency
Swapped phone numbers with neighbours
Safeguarded important documents
Established where to meet if communication is lost with family or friends
Practiced your emergency plan
Put together an emergency kit
Found out what hazards might affect your area
Ensured access to essential medications for you or others in your household
Ensured you have adequate insurance
Considered the welfare of your pets or animals
Ensured your precious, irreplaceable items are protected (e.g. heirlooms, art, photo’s memorabilia)
Thinking about how you respond to stressful situations including a strategy to manage stress levels
Spoken with friends / family / neighbours about your emergency plan
Established connections in the community with people who might be able to help during an emergency
Planned the best ways to exit the area

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* 8. To what extent do your plans for emergencies consider their potentially negative impact on the following

  A great deal Some A little Not at all Unsure
The physical health of anyone in your household
Your personal relationships
The mental health / wellbeing of anyone in your household
Your income or the household’s income
Your livelihood
Your quality of life
33% of survey complete.