Value Creation

Question Title

* 1. Please respond appropriately. Select N/A if this does not apply to you.

  Completely Disagree Neutral Completely Agree N/A
My company provides adequate space to do my job well.
My company requires me to source out my own equipment.
The technology at my company is very up-to-date.
The tools and resources provided to me at my company is adequate to do my job well.
I would rent out storage space if this was provided at the building.
I would rent out a quiet room if this was provided at the building.
I would rent out a private office or touch down station if this was provided at the building.
I would like to see more enhancements in the Game Room, i.e. Play Station, X-Box, Wii, Karaoke machine, etc.
I would like to utilize the Game Room or other areas of the building for team building events during business hours.
I would like to utilize the Game Room or other areas of the building for ‘events’ outside of business hours.

Question Title

* 2. Please list up to 3 things you would like to see implemented at this campus.

Question Title

* 3. Comments – Please let us know what changes or suggestions you have to improve the campus.