Wolf Journey Interests & Broadcast Times

1.Which Wolf Journey Books Most Interest You?
Definite Interest
High Interest
Some Interest
Little Interest
No Interest
The Neighborhood Naturalist
The Traditional Herbalist
The Wildlife Tracker
The Survival Scout
The Sustainable Citizen
The Environmental Educator
2.After Daily Social Distancing Broadcasts End, What Day Of Week Is Best For Future Live Wolf Journey Outdoor Classroom Broadcasts?
Perfect for Me/Us
Good (could usually watch)
OK (might watch some live, some later)
Not Good (would watch on future day)
Bad (no one of any age would watch live)
3.What Time Is Best For Live Wolf Journey Outdoor Classroom Broadcasts? (three season Seattle WA daylight hours only available)
Perfect for Me/Us
Good (people could usually watch)
Fine (all ages might watch, or catch later)
Not Good (but could watch later/next day)
Could Never Watch Live (might watch later/next day)
7 AM Pacific
8 AM Pacific
9 AM Pacific
10 AM Pacific
11 AM Pacific
12 Noon Pacific
1 PM Pacific
2 PM Pacific
3 PM Pacific
4 PM Pacific
5 PM Pacific
6 PM Pacific
4.Have you watched any of our live broadcasts or youtube videos yet? If yes, A) what did you like (what should we keep doing); B) what didn't you like (what should we leave out/stop doing); or C) what should we start doing that we haven't done/included in broadcasts yet?