Impact100 TC "Sharing the Love" Sponsorship Application
In an effort to encourage generations of women philanthropists, Impact 100 TC, funded through the generous support of several local donors, will be providing sponsorship grants for women to experience the power of collective giving. The "Sharing the Love" Fund specifically targets women who have an interest in philanthropy and in joining Impact100 TC but who might not be able to fund a full Membership on their own.
This program grants a Membership donation sponsorship, and requires the sponsorship recipient to pay a portion of the Membership donation. This sliding scale of dues invites the philanthropist member to budget over time and embed the philosophy of giving into their lives.
Sponsorships are limited. The number of sponsorships given depends on available funds. Sponsorship submissions are gathered for review Oct 31, Dec 15, Jan 31, Feb 28 and March 15.
You will be notified via email if you are selected to receive an Impact 100 TC sponsorship. Thank you for your interest! We look forward to hearing about you.