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* 1. Elika cares to hear from me.

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* 2. Elika responds humbly to feedback.

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* 3. Elika encourages open and transparent communication within VISIONS.

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* 4. Elika values diverse voices in VISIONS.

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* 5. Elika is mindful about the equitable processes within VISIONS.

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* 6. Elika fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement within VISIONS.

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* 7. Elika has integrity and lives out her values.

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* 8. Elika leads VISIONS by example.

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* 9. Elika honors and respects VISIONS history.

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* 10. Please choose your relationship to VISIONS (choose as many as you identify with).

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* 11. If you have further feedback regarding Elika and her leadership of VISIONS, please note it below.

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* 12. OPTIONAL: Name (for follow up on responses)