To the Sudbury Catholic Community:

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board has identified three strategic pathways that the board has committed to:

1. To strengthen our faith-based, inclusive and equitable community
2. To promote innovation
3. To advance leadership and learning for all

As part of the budget process, we are seeking your input with respect to how you would like to see the board invest in order to align with these pathways.  To assist in our planning, we ask that you provide input into the following:

Question Title

* 1. The Arts:  What kind of investments would you like to see in this area and why?

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* 2. Physical Environment:  What changes or upgrades do you suggest be made to our schools and classrooms?  Please be specific.

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* 3. Technology:  Does the technology that we currently provide meet your needs?  If not, why? How do you see our offerings being improved?

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* 4. Programming:  Aside from the mandated curriculum, is there programming that you would like to see in our schools that is not currently not being offered?  If so, what and why?

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* 5. What other areas would you like to see the board invest in and why?

Responses will be collected until April 6, 2018.