The following OHLE survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.

Researcher: Dr. Cheryl Waldner, Professor, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences and School of Public Health, University of Saskatchewan (306-966-7168,

Purpose(s) and Objective(s) of the Research: The One Health Leadership Experience (OHLE) weekend has become an annual back-to-school event at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S), and this year's conference was the fifth such interprofessional gathering. The objective of this survey is to obtain feedback from students in each of the five cohorts on their perceptions about One Health on campus and how the OHLE weekend has had an impact on attitudes to One Health.

Potential Risks: There are no known or anticipated risks to you by participating in this research.

Confidentiality: The information collected from the surveys will be anonymous. The identity of the persons responding will not be known to any members of the research team.

Storage of Data: Data will be stored for five years in the researcher’s office on a password-protected computer (electronic copy). The electronic data will be deleted five years after the study is completed.

Right to Withdraw: Your participation is voluntary and you can answer only those questions that you are comfortable with and are free to choose not to complete the survey. Once your survey has been submitted, the information can not be traced back to you and, therefore, cannot be withdrawn from the study.

Follow up: The study results will be summarized and submitted to a peer-reviewed journal for publication.

Questions or Concerns: Please contact Dr. Waldner. This research project has been exempted from ethical review by the U of S Research Ethics Board (BEH 16-265: July 14, 2016) as program evaluation.

By completing and submitting this questionnaire, YOUR FREE AND INFORMED CONSENT IS IMPLIED and indicates that you understand the above conditions of participation in this study.

Thank you for sharing your experiences. If you wish to participate in a future focus group about the U of S One Health Leadership Experience, please copy the following link:

The above link will take you to another form that will collect your contact information independently from following survey.

Please note: Your contact information will only be used for the organization of focus groups and is not linked to your anonymous responses to the  OHLE assessment survey questions.

Question Title

* 1. What program are you currently enrolled in or have you most recently completed at the U of S?

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* 4. What year of your program are you currently enrolled in?

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* 5. Very briefly, what does One Health mean to you?

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* 6. Had you heard about One Health before participating in the OHLE?

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* 7. Did you attend any One Health events after attending the OHLE?

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* 8. Did you participate in the One Health Club on campus?

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* 9. Can you give an example of the intersection of human, animal and environmental health that interests you?

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* 10. Did participating in the OHLE increase your interactions with students in other health science colleges or schools on campus?

Question Title

* 11. Have you initiated any discussions or activities related to One Health within your courses or other forums within your college?

Question Title

* 12. If you have initiated discussions or activities related to One Health within your courses or other forums within your college, did you receive support for this event from faculty or staff of your college/school?

Question Title

* 13. To date, have any of your instructors referred to One Health by name during your program outside of the OHLE?

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* 14. To date, how many of your courses have included what you consider to be One Health concepts?

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* 15. What health science professions do you foresee interacting with as part of your professional practice outside your immediate field? Check all that apply. 

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* 16. Did participation in the OHLE and, if applicable, One Health events on campus have any impact on your awareness of the importance of interprofessional collaboration?

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* 17. Did participation in the OHLE and, if applicable, One Health events on campus increase your understanding of One Health?

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* 18. Did participation in the OHLE and, if applicable, One Health events on campus have an impact on your career plans?

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* 19. In your program, do you see interprofessional collaboration happening amongst faculty and staff?

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* 20. Have you encountered obstacles to become a change agent for One Health in your respective school, college and profession?

Question Title

* 21. What would help (or have helped) you become a change agent for One Health in your respective school, college and profession?

Question Title

* 22. Should interprofessional education/One Health be taught formally in your program?

Question Title

* 23. Is One Health relevant to your program?

Question Title

* 24. Do you anticipate that you will implement One Health practices after graduation (or have you implemented One Health practices since your graduation)?

Thank you for completing our survey! 

Before you click the green button below, copy the following web site address for a chance to win a brand new iPad!

Please note: Your contact information will only be used for the iPad draw and is not linked to your OHLE assessment survey responses that will remain anonymous.