Help us better understand the community's sentiments surrounding proposed housing choices, including apartments in Villages of Summerfield Farms

1.Are you a Summerfield resident and voter?(Required.)
2.What is your age range?(Required.)
3.Do you own or rent your home?(Required.)
4.What concerns you most about proposed apartments in The Villages of Summerfield Farms?  Select all that apply.(Required.)
5.If you could be assured safeguards are in place for the above outlined concerns, would you be more open to garden-style apartments if they are exceptionally well designed and impeccably maintained with front porches and sidewalks?(Required.)
6.At the start of this survey there is an image of the proposed garden-style apartments for Villages of Summerfield Farms. How would you rate the design aesthetics of these garden-style apartments?(Required.)
7.Do you think empty nesters, downsizers and young professionals would enjoy having these garden-style apartments as an option to move back to or stay in Summerfield?(Required.)
8.It is well documented that more U.S. households are renting than at any point in the past 50 years and most rent by choice as opposed to financial restrictions.  Those choices include exceptional amenities, built-in socialization, entertainment, lower up-front/maintenance costs and opportunity to live in more desirable locations.

The average yearly salary of renters is upwards of $45K. 

With this in mind, are you open to more rental options in Summerfield?
9.If you, like 39% of initial survey takers, are eager for more housing choices on smaller land parcels, which of the following could appeal to you?  Choose all that apply.(Required.)
10.Please check all that you believe could benefit the Town of Summerfield(Required.)
11.Given today's economic climate and soaring college debt, do you agree it is challenging for young professionals and families to come up with $150,000 downpayment?
12.If part of the reason for the garden-style apartments proposed in the Villages of Summerfield Farms was so the developer could help the town solve for its fair housing challenges and potential legal exposure by providing a wider diversity of housing options, would you be more open to the idea of well-managed and impeccably maintained garden-style apartments as a cost-effective solution for the town?(Required.)
13.Where do you most frequently get your news and updates concerning important matters facing the Town of Summerfield?(Required.)
14.Do you believe the Town of Summerfield could improve communications channels with the community at large, especially on hot-button issues facing the town?(Required.)
15.Please share your first name(Required.)
16.Please share your last name(Required.)
17.Please share your email address
18.Please share your street address(Required.)