Question Title

* 1. How often would you say you read "This Week in CHCACTion," CHCACT's weekly newsletter?

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* 2. Without thinking about the specific content of "This Week in CHCACTion," what do you think about the length/how long it takes you to read it?

Question Title

* 3. Now please think about the content and let us know how you feel about each section of "This Week in CHCACTion:"

  1=Not at all useful/I don't like this section at all 2=Not so useful 3=Useful 4=Extremely useful!/I love this section! N/A
This Week in CHCACTivities: blog piece about a CHCACT program/activity
This Week in Social Media: tweet of the Week
This Week in Funding Opportunities: grant opportunities
This Week in Health Policy News: relevant health news
Events & Educational Opportunities

Question Title

* 4. How do you feel about the way "This Week in CHCACTion" is delivered (through a link in an email)?

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* 5. Overall, how do you feel about "This Week in CHCACTion?"

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* 6. How could we make "This Week in CHCACTion" more useful? Give us your ideas!

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* 7. Last question: How are you connected to CHCACT?