Rural Fire Service - Review of Award About you Question Title * 1. Gender Male Female Question Title * 2. Age Under 25 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 or over Question Title * 3. Where do you work? Head Office Region District Customer Service Centre State Mitigation Support Service Question Title * 4. How long have you worked at the RFS? Less than 3 years 3-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years More than 20 years Question Title * 5. I can see myself working for RFS for Another 2 years or less Another 3-5 years Another 6-10 years More than 10 years Question Title * 6. When I leave the RFS, it will be because I found another job I will retire Other Question Title * 7. The RFS is a good place to work Highly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Highly disagree Question Title * 8. I get satisfaction from working at the RFS Highly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Highly disagree Question Title * 9. I have a say about most of the decisions that affect me in the workplace: Highly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Highly disagree Question Title * 10. The decisions that are made by management at the RFS make sense to me: Highly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Highly disagree Your award Question Title * 11. What are the three conditions of your employment at RFS that you value the most? a. b. c. Question Title * 12. What are the three things you would like to improve or change? a. b. c. Your working hours Question Title * 13. What is your employment status? Ongoing full-time Ongoing part-time Temporary full-time Temporary part-time Question Title * 14. On average, how many hours a week above your contract hours do you normally work (not including work on call, overtime or after hours duty)?Note: The contract hours for full-time staff is 35 hours per week My contract hours or less 1-2 hours more 3-5 hours more 6-7 hours more 8 hours or more Next