PRAISE YHVH  --  The vision is coming to fruition, and our family (all 8 of us) is hitting the road at the end of June to teach and minister around the U.S. this summer with our "Nourish the Nations" Summer Tour.  (We'll even be going to Canada!)

Get on our handy-dandy notification list (below) and automatically receive all the details as they become available, as well as specific updates about what we'll be doing when we visit your area.

This is a totally grassroots effort, so as fellow "repairers of the breach" your help is greatly appreciated  --  in whatever ways you'd like to pitch-in.

So...please fill out this quick survey and we'll know who you are and where your interests lie, which is super-helpful for us as we plan and execute the million-and-one details of this major undertaking.

Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support in order to make all this possible!

For such a time as this,
The Goldmans
PS:  Just because we have a city listed, doesn't mean that we already have a host family or congregation for it.  And we can always use more "co-hosts"...the more the merrier, as this is a big effort.  So please identify yourself in all ways you might like to assist our grassroots efforts.  Don't be shy!  ;-)


Question Title

* 1. Please notify me about the following planned "Nourish the Nations" Tour city/cities:

Question Title

* 2. Here's my contact info, and some basic data so you know where I'm from:

Question Title

* 3. I'm very interested in the following subjects....

Question Title

* 4. I wish to help with your "Nourish the Nations" Tour, please send me info about how I may partner with you in the following way(s):

Question Title

* 5. This is how I found out about your "Nourish the Nations" Tour...

Question Title

* 6. My Questions/Comments/Suggestions/Etc.